So, Like I promised here are some of my favorite decorations...which incorporated my LOVE of Lilly and the colors pink and green! It is also so rewarding when you make something yourself. 1. You Save Money and 2. You get to brag about the fact that YOU made it! :)! Not very worries! I will include STEP by STEP directions! :)! *Remember to use patience while crafting! :)!
Craft Number 1: Lilly Pencil Holder
Step 1: For this craft I began with a CLEAR container. It looked very plain and boring just sitting on my desk and I hated how you could see everything! I solved this problem by "Lillifying" (thats my new word) this boring old container!
Step 2: I found a pattern I wanted to use, suggestions for this Google Image Search. Another idea is to use Lilly Wrapping paper or fabric. I did not have the patience to wait while Lilly wrapping paper was delivered so I just found an image online and decided to print it OVER and OVER and OVER again! Here is the image I used:
I actually used the website to piece this image together...the one I found was extremely small, so I used the collage option at picnik and made this! :)! And now ont0....
STEP 3: I printed this image using plain printer paper. When printing I printed the image 4x6 and this allowed for there to be 4 images per page. This project only required the two pieces of paper.
Step4: Once printed, cut the images out and lay them together. I then taped them together and rolled the paper. Then slide it into the container. I used small pieces of tape to keep the paper stuck to the container.
Step 5: For an extra special touch add a ribbon :)! Good Luck!!
The finished product sitting on my desk :)!

Craft Number 2: Lilly Wall Hangings
I got this idea while making a frame for a you will learn later on Modge Podge may be my favorite crafting when making a frame with podge I use scrapbook paper. The paper I was using was pink and white polka dots and to finish the frame off I added a palm tree. For these wall hangings I decided to simply frame scrapbook paper with palm trees in the middle. It is probably the EASIEST craft I have ever done!
So these are the finished products! All you need for this craft are frames (I used simple plastic box frames) Scrapbook Paper (any pattern of your chocie! I suggest a simple pattern because you do not want to pull away from the palm tree) And whatever you wish to place in the center (I obviously went with palm trees!) All of these items were purchased at Michaels for EXTREMELY low prices (Each frame was $2, The paper 50cents each, and each tree was 59 cents!) Can it get any cheaper than that?!?
Step 1: Once you have all the items you need it is TIME TO CRAFT! The first thing you are going to do is trace the frame onto the scrapbook paper.
Step 2: Then cut the paper...once cut attach the paper to the frame (the FRames I used had cardboard boxes that I could easily adhere the paper to)
Step 3: Then place the tree wherever it looks best! And then the CRAFTING is done! :)!
Step 4: Slide the finished product into the frame and your work is done!
Below is an image of what the frames look like in my apartment!
Craft Number 3: Lilly Initials
I can't take credit for this idea, because I saw it on the Lilly Pulitzer Facebook Fan Page! But I did it on my own so I thought I would share! I found the initials at Michaels (my FAVORITE store!) But they were missing the "S" so I have yet to hang them up :(! Hopefully Michaels will get a "S" on Tuesday (for all those that dont know, this is when new deliveries arrive...dorky I know!) For this craft all you need is the Lilly Paper, Modge Podge, and the letters! I used the same paper from the Pencil my printer got used again! Here is a look at the finished product! :)!
Like I said..It is still missing the S! But now on to the directions!
Step 1: Print paper with image you wish to use, then trace the letter. Once traced cut the letter out.
Step 2: Using Modge Podge paint a thin layer on the back of the paper and another thin layer on the actual letter. Gently stick the paper onto the letter. Be careful sometimes when podging (my sorority sister decided to make this a verb since we LOVE it so much!) bubbles tend to form!
Step 3: Once the letter is completely covered paint an EXTREMELY thin layer of podge on top of the paper. This will leave the letter with a smooth and glossy finish!
Step 4: This is the step I have yet to do...HANG THEM UP! You can do this using nails or ribbon! I plan on using ribbon and hanging on my wall! I will be sure to post pictures of the finished product!
Good Luck with all your crafting! Any questions feel free to ask! :)! Sorry if any directions were confusing!